公司介绍: 纵腾集团成立于2009年,总部位于中国深圳,以“全球跨境电商基础设施服务商”为企业定位,为跨境电商商户提供海外仓储、专线物流服务及商品分销、供应链服务等一体化物流解决方案。旗下拥有“谷仓海外仓”、“云途物流”、“纵腾冠通”、“沃德太客”等知名的服务品牌。 自成立以来,纵腾集团不断加强自身基础能力建设,目前已建成重点覆盖欧美地区,遍及六大洲的跨境电商物流网络,在全球拥有员工近3500人,超过40家分支机构,25座境外仓储和中转枢纽,仓储总面积超过70万平方米,年处理订单量超过3亿单,服务全球超过1.5万家跨境电商商户。
福利情况: 1.福利待遇好,升职空间大; 2.工作环境干净安全,同事之间和睦友好,每月聚餐,节假日礼品,新年开工利是等; 3.转正后提供全套医疗保险,公司有带薪休假。 有意者请加微信ZongtengGroupHR或邮件简历至,请注明“应聘地点+岗位”期待您的来信~
工作职责: Responsible for regional P&L,reporting to EU management Board; Deliver Group strategy Plan to achieve customer retention/satisfaction, contract expansion, deliver profit (YOY) and margin growth; Build, develop and maintain local enabler plans that support the delivery of the Business growth and maximize business opportunities; Build robust working relationships with all key stakeholders to ensure first class operational performance which results in long term partnerships; Establishment and achievement of annual performance goals for each area/department of the business as required to achieve the regional goals; Promote teamwork and collaboration between departments to drive alignment and commitment, and improve performance.
任职要求: 3+ years of experience in BD or sales role and team management; Experience in managing implementations and start-ups; Multi contract experience to drive synergies and experience of the complexities of working with multi customers.Demonstrable exemplary customer relationship management skills with the flexibility in style, approach to manage a number of clients with varying requirements at the same time; Entrepreneurial drive to take ownership of our strategy and execution to achieve growth goals; Strong leadership skills,excellent commercial acumen and well-developed interpersonal skills with an ability to influence at all levels; Fluent in English and Mandarin. 微信ZongtengGroupHR