办公环境:大型仓库+办公室,环境干净安全,宽敞明亮。 团队氛围:同事之间和睦友好,凝聚力强,公司关心和重视员工的事业和个人发展。 薪酬福利:基本工资+绩效工资,加班补贴,带薪假期,工龄工资,节假日赠送礼品,生日赠送购物卡以及春节开工利是。
如您有意加入我们,请加微信 ZongtengRecruitment或邮件简历至,请注明“UK+应聘岗位”;或可通过扫描下面微信号二维码投递简历。
人事主管 Job Responsibilities:
1.liaising with the head office to implement HR policies & strategies;
2.dealing with legal compliance and corporate risk issues;
3.Dealing with employee relation issues, managing disciplinary procedures and issuing relevant documentation;
4.Playing key role in maintaining line management awareness of policy changes;
5.Managing basic payroll and work with external payroll accountant;
6.Overseeing all aspects of talent and succession planning, including recruitment functions;
7.Delivering advice and guidance on HR matters, including on-boarding, contract termination, redundancy, sick leave and maternity leave;
8.Updating records and organise training that us required to further staff development;
9.Working with Health & Safety Consultant to promote Health & Safety rules;
10.Promoting equality and diversity in support of culture change;
11.Working with external consultation to provide effective Health & Safety management.
Job Requirements:
1.Acquire qualifications to enable you to carry out this role, either through College/University study, as well as CIPD qualification (CIPD level 5 or above);
2.Must have UK-based experience in similar roles and tasks (onboarding, creating HR documentation, managing basic payroll, risk and compliance issues);
3.Must have UK-based hands-on experience in leading employee relations, including tactful management of absence, disciplinaries, grievances and sickness;
4.Will understand Health & Safety legislation, and to be able to implement process and documentation throughout the business;
5.Must be fluent in both Mandarin and English.
1. 负责区域、整体仓库布局、规划及运作管理,分配和管理仓库日产工作;
2. 确保运营和业务质量,成本,成效以及安全标准达到公司标准;
3. 设计、完善、执行仓库规章制度,规范作业标准和流程,配备设备人员等;
4. 监控仓库入库的时效情况,及时解决异常作业情况;
5. 负责对员工的培训指导、绩效考核管理,以及控制部门人均作业成本,并提出合理化建议。 任职要求:
1. 具有跨境电商或者海外仓管理工作经验;
2. 有很强的沟通协调能力、判断与决策能力、人际能力、影响力、计划与执行能力;
3. 拥有英国工作许可证;
4. 中、英文流利。